Annual Report

Our Type II class was given the opportunity to design the 2019 annual report for the wonderful non-profit, Open Arms Housing (OAH).



I wanted the booklet to be small and approachable, so it could be given away at fundraising events and put into pockets and purses instead of directly into the trash.


The purple brushstroke running through gives the reader a clear through-line and something for their eye to follow. The hand-painted quality of it relates to the hands-on approach that Open Arms Housing has.

The choice to make the photos black and white was a practical one. Since OAH is a non-profit, they have limited photos and many of those photos are not professional quality. Making the images black and white is an easy way to have them feel cohesive.

Though I was not picked to design the report that would go into print, I am proud that I was a part of the top 5 chosen by Professor Precious Bugarin. 

Flip through the report